As our U15 girls are clustering with TW you are all invited to go on tour to Bournemouth April 2018.  This is being organised by Tunbridge Wells; please contact Tammy Samuel.  If you are interested please email Tammy as soon as possible at

Overview details:

Dates: Friday 13th to Sunday 15th April 2018 (end of holidays) - PUT IT IN YOUR DIARIES!

Location: Bournemouth; Oakmeadians Rugby Club

Accommodation: caravan site - with swimming pool and entertainment on site! There is also an opportunity to visit Poultons Theme Park.

Approx cost: £90 per person (parentsand siblings welcome). There may be some extras (e.g. Food, kit, pocket money). We wouldn't want any player to miss out so if cost is a problem please let us know and we'll see what we can do.

Transport: self drive. To keep costs low we are proposing self drive rather than a coach. Don't worry if you can't get a lift we will try and arrange lifts (for a small contribution to fuel) or maybe train travel depending on numbers


