Recent Winners

The more who join the greater the monthly prize.

Buying one number will cost you as little 16p a day (£5 a month), with a maximum of five numbers being held (£25 a month) by any individual. Numbers are allocated sequentially, so sorry you can't pick your favourite!

Recent Winners:

February 2025

  • 1st - £150 - #9 - Janet Bavin (yes again!)

  • 2nd - £100 - #22 - Andy Clark

  • 3rd - £50 - #44 - Mike Gibbons

January 2025

  • 1st - £150 - #84 - Andy McClinton

  • 2nd - £100 - #40 - John French

  • 3rd - £50 - #118 - John Peters

December 2024

  1. Robert Pearl - #117 - £250

  2. Janet Bavin - #9 - £150

  3. Dick McCorry - #92 - £100

  4. Ari Papadopoulos - #111 - £50

November 2024

  1. Tom Selwood - #133 - £150

  2. Julia Thornton - #144 - £100

  3. Greg Gorrill - #46 - £50

October 2024

  1. Steven Manley - #80 - £150

  2. David Williams - #150 - £100

  3. Steve Fitzmaurice - #39 - £50

The more who join the greater the monthly prize!


Members can win up to £350 per month! You have to be in it…

  • In order to maintain and develop the facilities and environment for all members we need to continue to raise additional funding.

  • The ‘300 club’ was re-launched at ‘The Mighty Oaks Club Lottery’ in November 2019.

  • Contributions are split 50:50 between fundraising and prize money.

  • The more members who enter the lottery, the greater the monthly prize.

  • Please note that only Sevenoaks Rugby Club Members can take part.

  • A basic lottery number is only a £5 a month payable via Standing Order, up to a maximum of 5 numbers per member (£25 per month).

  • You can join by completing a Standing Order instruction on line via your bank.

The details you need are:

  • Account: The Oaks Mighty Lottery

  • Bank: Nat West

  • Sort Code: 601902

  • Account : 25849689

First payment must be made by the 1st of month in order to be entered in that draw and then subsequently thereafter.

Hard copy Standing Order forms will also be available from behind the bar.

Contact Nicholas Pearce in relation to any other questions or queries

‘The Mighty Oaks Lottery’ – Operating Rules

1. The ‘The Mighty Oaks Lottery’ is classified as a ‘Private Society Lottery’ under the relevant legislation. As such there are some restrictions, those being:

• This type of lottery can only be promoted by an authorised member of the Club a private society.

• Tickets can only be sold to other members of the Club/people on our premises.

• No advertisement may be displayed or distributed except at the Club premises.

• This lottery cannot involve a rollover of prizes from one lottery to another.

2. All monies received go directly to supporting the Club’s activities.

3. 50% of funds raised will be made available as prizes. The more people who subscribe to the ‘The Mighty Oaks Lottery’ the greater the prize money.

4. ‘The Mighty Oaks Lottery’ will be managed jointly by the Club Administrator, or an allocated representative and Club Treasurer.

5. The draw will take place once a month throughout the year, usually on a Saturday or Sunday at the Club (dates to be determined by Club Head of Marketing and Club Treasurer) during the playing season or alternatively at the monthly Committee meeting (out of season). Any winner will be publicly announced to members unless they have asked for privacy prior to the relevant draw.

6. Initially there will be one monthly prize of £500 and will be raised thereafter in accordance with lottery subscribers in accordance with the 50:50 ratio. If appropriate the Committee may consider adding additional lower value prizes at a future date if funds allow.

7. Entry is via Standing Order at a cost of £5 per month. First payment must be received in the Club’s account on the first of the relevant month before an individual can be entered into that draw. Additional payments in multiples of £5 can be made by any individual, up to a maximum of £25 per month, should they wish to increase their contribution to the Club’s funds and equally increase the chances of winning the monthly prize.

8. Any cancelled Standing Order will automatically lead to the individual not being eligible for the following draw.

9. Monies raised through ‘The Mighty Oaks Lottery’ will be clearly shown in the Club’s accounts and presented at the AGM on an annual basis.

Nicholas Pearce

Lottery Administration

February 2024