Welcome to our online bookings page, the place to book and pay for Season 24/25 events!

The events you can book include - Match Day Lunches, Mighty Oaks Business Breakfasts, Annual City Lunch, Annual Club Dinner, Club Golf Day

Some events are free, such as the 6 nations Super Saturday. There is no need to book these, please just come along!

You can book and pay for as many places and dates in advance as you wish.

If you book and pay for a table of 10 for a lunch or dinner, it will be reserved in your name.

3 course LUNCH/DINNER includeS either A Starter|Main|Cheese or A Starter|Main|Dessert, cooked by our wonderful chef Diane carey.

Menu’s for events will be circulated closer to the event date.

If you have any specific dietary needs, please enter them in the form when you book.

If you book and pay for a 4 ball for the club golf day, it will be reserved in your name.