Following on from an exceptional response from across both the senior, youth and mini age groups, below are links to three key documents, providing the information on how we can return to rugby safely.

Club Risk Assessment : Click here for document

Andy Clark (Club COVID Compliance Officer) has very kindly put together a Club Risk Assessment, please review accordingly and any questions please do let us know. 

July Return to Rugby Timetable & Club Guidelines: Click here for document

Please note, we will be closely monitoring and asking you for feedback in the first two weeks to understand how this timetable is working and to ensure we are being safe and following Club, RFU & Government guidelines.  Please note this timetable is subject to change at any time if the Club, RFU or Government update the guidelines.  The August timetable will be released at the end of July.

Practical Risk Assessment & Session Register: Click here for document

This form must be completed every session with a register of all attendees kept on the back please.  Please send a copy of this completed form to Andy Clark after each session.

Remember that all guidelines and documentation must be adhered to at all times.
