Sevenoaks RFC are delighted to launch a free virtual injury and health clinic for members, focusing on individual physical (and mental health) during lockdown.

The person centred virtual appointment with be with one of the Club’s Chartered Physiotherapist’s via a Zoom appointment, with the aim to support Club members through lockdown and beyond, providing members further access to our excellent medical department.

Members that would like to access this benefit are encouraged to read further below and complete the booking form, which will then be assessed by our medical dept. before confirming a virtual consultation on Zoom.

The 15 minute sessions will run weekly on Sunday mornings between 10am - 12pm and will start from Sunday 15th November.

Content Overview:

  • Introduction of therapist and patient

  • Taking history of present health complaint

  • Virtual assessment

  • Providing a differential Diagnosis (if necessary)

  • Treatment/management ideas, discussion and advice

Follow ups:

  • To be done virtually during November

  • Looking at face to face appointments (follow up only) from December onwards

  • 15 minute treatment session

‘Virtual Treatment’ includes:

  • Writing to GP’s on request or if necessary

  • Advice on medical imaging

  • Interpreting medical imaging

  • Referral to SRFC strength and conditioning team

  • Setting functional rehabilitation program

  • Biopsychosocial input

  • Advice regarding exercise therapy

 Who can book?

Free service to all SRFC members 

How many can I book?

  • Initially- 1 new patient appointment (15 minute assessment)

  • Then up to 3 virtual follow up’s for treatment

  • And looking at booking face to face follow ups in the new year if indicated

All clinical practice will adhere to Government guidelines and Chartered society of physiotherapist’s advice.


 Booking Form
