Official opening of the Soft Play Café
Last week, Sevenoaks mayor Councillor Andrew Eyre officially opened the new Soft Play Café at the Rugby Club alongside the organiser Diane Carey. Only two weeks in, this is already proving to be a popular destination for local parents, friends, babies and toddlers to enjoy. With freshly cooked food available daily alongside the Soft Play zone, reading areas and free Wi-Fi, numbers through the door are increasing each week and the Sevenoaks mums network is buzzing with great comments. Diane has sourced coffee beans from a local company Bean Smitten, that will deliver freshly roasted beans on a weekly basis to allow for quality ground 'mighty Oaks' coffee at a price to keep visitors happy. The Soft Play Café will be open Tuesday to Thursday in term-time only, from 9am-3.30pm and will cost £3 for children under five. There is also free car parking for upto 4 hours. For any further information please contact