Since Gary set up the company in 1991, we have grown to a current team of 6 and will look to continue to build the best team we can. Family owned businesses have certain nuances and Panoramic Wealth is not the first family business we have been involved in. The 1930’s saw a successful venture into the world of electronics through ‘Globe Radio’ which namely ties in with Panoramic, a decision that did not happen by chance when we had the opportunity to rename in 2015. The considerable experience we have from within a family business can only benefit our clients going forward.

We specialise in helping our clients to realise their financial ambitions and objectives with solutions which perfectly reflect their own personal life journeys, and their own personal landscapes.



  • Financial Advice for Businesses

  • Business Protection Advice

  • Lifestyle advice for Business Owners

Personal Financial Advice

  • Personal Financial Advice

  • Wealth Management & Investments

  • Pensions & Retirement Planning

  • Protection and Insurance

  • Equity Release Advice

  • Estate & Inheritance Tax Planning

  • Mortgage Advice


Episode 1: The Bank of Mum and Dad

Episode 2: How we can help Owner Manager Businesses

Episode 3: When can I retire?

Episode 4: Lending into Retirement

Episode 5: Power of Attorney; What is it? and Why is it so Important?
