Sevenoaks 2s continued their winning streak in this season's revised Invicta League with an ultimately comfortable - if somewhat bruising - win over Medway at the Paddock on Saturday.

The visitors had a blend of youthful dynamism and some serious size across their team but especially up front. Oaks would have their hands full, physically speaking.

What followed was probably the most balanced performance from this team so far this season.

Big Medway runners were often stopped on the gainline with powerful defensive shots from the likes of returning Sam Porter, Ben Harries and Jack 'Moose' Holden. John Henley was like a man possessed and repeatedly smashed ball carriers as if they had insulted his children in some way. The backs wanted in on the action as well. Fly half Josh Livett chopped down everything that came down his channel. Centres Curnow and Thorneycroft also dealt well with a somewhat hefty Medway centre pairing.

When Oaks had the ball, they looked much the more dangerous team. This was demonstrated with tries out wide after multi-phase attacks for winger George Wooldridge and flanker Barney Stone. Stone indeed managed to bag himself two tries in an impressive 1st half display. Fullback Drew Forrester stepped up to the goal kicking duties and slotted one from three in the 1st half to give Oaks a deserved 17-3 advantage at HT.

The 2nd half was a slightly messier affair. It would be fair to say that several of the visiting team allowed their frustration at the scoreline to get the better of them. There were multiple breaks in play so that handbags could be taken and then returned to their rightful owners. This slower pace suited the visitors and Oaks went through their obligatory 10-minute period of giving some soft penalties away. This led to Medway's most sustained period of pressure in the game. Indeed, Oaks got royally on the referee's wrong side during this time and at one point found themselves down to 13 after two quick-fire yellow cards. However, the Oaks defence was still functioning well and the visitors were repelled.

To add insult to injury, the home side then advanced quickly up the field and flanker Stone scored two more typically classy tries in a short space of time to take Oaks into a 27-3 lead. He was promptly removed from the field for 'being too good and annoying people'.

Medway had one final burst left in them and finally got their reward for a physical effort throughout the game when they went over from close range to restore some pride at 27-10.

Oaks were visibly riled by conceding the try and went on one last attack, determined to have the final say in the game. Penalties were won and the ball was pumped into the corner in front of an increasingly vocal Oaks balcony. It was like the 1s had moved their game away at Tring back to the Paddock. Amid a crescendo of noise from the home support, the Oaks pack nailed the throw/jump before slowly but inevitably rumbling their way towards the Medway line. The crowd erupted as Ben Harries did the honours and dropped to the floor to score Oaks' 6th try of the game and seal the win, 32-10.

This was a physical and mature performance from what is still a relatively young Oaks team. Despite the scoreline, there were times in this game where the home side came under large amounts of pressure. Instead of breaking, they got around one another and found answers to the questions being posed to them. More importantly, they remain bang in the hunt for the league title. In the immortal words of DoR Bowman, "we don't lose at home!".
