We are all experiencing lockdown in different ways. The Club extends heartfelt sympathies to any members who have lost loved ones, and like everyone we wish our very best to the NHS and all essential workers keeping us well and the country moving.

Lockdown is also having a dramatic impact on the economy, and our local community is no exception. More than at any other time we would love our members where possible to remember the support we receive from our sponsors to deliver the quality of rugby coaching and facilities we enjoy in a Clubhouse that’s the envy of many local Clubs.

Last week Roger McKerlie, who is taking on the new role of Commercial Director from the 2020/21 season, hosted a live webchat on Zoom for our sponsor base, and was joined by Jane Beer-Jones from the Club, as well as Trevor, Wooly, Jonesy and Fitzy. The virtual team huddle provided the opportunity for sponsors to share their experiences, and we look forward to similar sessions in the future. Please contact Sponsorship Manager Jane Beer-Jones for more details. Any members involved with running and managing a local business will be invited to join the next event.

Here is a summary of some of the insights shared:

Savills are open for business, checking in with clients and talking about virtual valuations; if you have thoughts about what to do with your property Savills is there to answer those questions. There are a lot of properties and transactions to maintain, transactions are completing and people are moving by hiring a truck. Being practical and being resilient where you can are key points to consider as a property owner.

Although its High Street outlet is closed, Bat & Ball Sports is maintaining its online shop and Tim aims to deliver any orders within 48 hours, so do think of the shop for any gifts or stay fit requirements for around the home and daily exercise routine.

Direct Design is also open for business and Gerry has created an online directory and maps for one client, with some businesses coming back to projects that were once longer term and are able to be moved forward in this virtual working environment.

Warners Solicitors are there for its clients and publishing briefings for business to help them through the crisis.

Sevenoaks Prep is publishing a series of videos on You Tube to help keep children active and we look forward to sharing more of these in the future.

That’s just a brief summary. Our full sponsorship page is here. We look forward to the next discussion.
